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                        9.9 Keyboard macros

     The keyboard macros are located on <F1> - <F10> (12) and <Shift
     F1> - <Shift-F10> (12). When a macro key is pressed, FM will
     insert its contents at the current cursor position. The following
     macros are supported:

     Sequence        Expands to                        Key in FM
     ~~              ~
     ~|              |
     |               CR                                <Enter>
     ~B              TAB                               <Tab>
     ~>              Cursor one step to the right      <Right>
     ~<              Cursor one step to the left       <Left>
     ~              Cursor one line up                <Up>
     ~V              Cursor one line down              <Down>
     ~F              Reformat paragraph                <Alt-F8>
     ~L              Insert line                       <Ctrl-Enter>
     ~}              Delete from cursor to EOL         <Ctrl-End>
     ~T              Delete from cursor to EOF         <Ctrl-T>
     ~S              Save message and keep original    <Ctrl-Z>, 'N'
     ~#              Save message and delete original  <Ctrl-Z>, 'Y'
     ~U              Current username
     ~!              Invoke DOS shell                  <Alt-Z>
     ~E<prog><parm>; Execute program
     ~I<filename>;   Import file                       <Alt-F2>
     ~R<filename>;   Import file and remove it

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